AgroTerra doubled its irrigated field area for sunflower and corn hybrid seeds production


The company launched new sectors of irrigation system in the Gorshechensky district, having doubled the irrigation system's total area. As a result, AgroTerra's irrigation system in the Kursk region covers more than 3,600 hectares.

Since 2021, AgroTerra has been producing corn and sunflower hybrid on irrigated fields. At that time, the area of irrigated fields was 350 hectares. Within two years, the company increased its irrigation network tenfold. Over the years, AgroTerra managed not only to build a comprehensive technology of hybrid seed production, but also to improve it. In the 2022 season, the yield of previously produced corn hybrids increased by 12% compared to last year due to technological changes.

"We continue to expand hybrid and sunflower seed production in the Kursk region. This project is aligned with the country's food security goals. Our efforts are noted by the region, and we are very grateful for the support we receive from them," comments Nina Mironova, Director of Development at AgroTerra.

Like the others, the new sectors of the irrigation system are entirely automated and turned on by an app. The system includes modern surface water intake devices with fish safety features, and the devices themselves have been relocated 50 meters away from the fish breeding region to meet all environmental regulation requirements. By the way, AgroTerra was the first company in the Central Black Earth Economic Region that agreed with the Federal Agency for Fishery the use of this system type.

The seeds of corn hybrids have already been seeded on the irrigated fields, while sunflowers are also being seeded.

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