Trust line
AgroTerra's reputation is based on four values: we are honest and decent, we are one team, we want to achieve good results, and we are constantly improving. We have been living and developing the company in accordance with these values for 10 years. In recent years, we have been adding more detail to these values through our standards and rules. First of all, we formulated principles of working for the team in our Code of Business Conduct..
If the conduct of each member of our 2,000-person team meets high ethical standards, AgroTerra will be able to proudly bear its status as a leader in terms of operational efficiency and a responsible approach to the agricultural sector in Russia. In order to keep things running smoothly, there has to be an instrument to protect our principles. That's why we created a Trust line for the AgroTerra Group of Companies. It offers a channel for direct feedback, the operation of which is personally overseen by the company's top executives on the Ethics Committee.
We respect everyone's right to report violations of AgroTerra's Code of Business Conduct and principles on a confidential basis. The Ethics Committee and an external expert who ensures the operational capacity of the Trust line safeguard the rights of those making reports. At the same time, legal measures will be taken against individuals who knowingly provide false information.
We suggest that all employees, clients, contractors and everyone who lives and works alongside us learn about AgroTerra's work principles. This will provide an idea of what the people in the company believe in, how our team behaves in different situations and what we think is right.